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l am moving my bowel right now and it smells like mango. I don't want to leave the toilet. You are what you eat. Some of you cannot stay in the same place with your poop because of the stench but truth be told, I can't remember when last I covered my nose while pooing. If you eat more life-giving foods, this is likely to be your experience if your poop constantly has an offensive odor, you most likely have an unhealthy gut/colon.

Eating mango skin is very good for you. It is high in fiber and vitamin A. Eating mango skin can prevent fat formation in the body, which makes it very good for weight loss. Mango skin also can control blood sugar level. However, wash thoroughly to get rid of pesticide residue which may cause allergic reactions. Soaking your fruits in water and adding a few cap-full of apple cider vinegar or some baking soda helps to clean off wax and pesticide residue.

Looking back, one of the greatest scams ever is taking multivitamins to induce appetite thinking that will make you eat more and hence help one add weight. That approach is like putting the cart before the horse. Supplements are not supposed to replace food, they should supplement or complement what you eat.

Once upon a time in my former life, I was so lean and of course, I wasn't eating well not because there was no food but I just don't feel the need to eat. Call me a picky eater and you won't be far from the truth. That was how I got this multivitamin and boy it did work initially. I ate like a glutton because couldn't then control the voracious appetite but as time went by, it stopped working. You know why? The body isn't designed to work under a trick mechanism. That is what the multivitamin was doing. Tricking my body to thinking that it needs to eat at all times. I developed such resistance that buying the multivitamin became a waste of money. My body had gotten used to the multivitamin just the same way the body gets used to antibiotics and it stops working as it should. What did I do? I simply realized that I needed to work on my immune system. I loaded up on fruits fresh juices, deliberately stocked up on healthy snacks that I enjoyed having and consciously set the time to eat them. As time went by, my body started getting used to it and before knew it, I ate when I needed to eat.

I said healthy because unlike the multivitamin that gave me a very voracious appetite, the juice made me eat just the right amount of food that the body needed at that time and not like a glutton. A lot of us mask the symptoms of our problems instead of trying to discover what led to the symptoms. My immune system was weak and it led to the loss of appetite.

Needless to say, I was also falling sick a whole lot back then. Multivitamins are not the solution. Eat right and supplement. Supplements don't replace foods and this applies to natural supplements I have several herbal supplements that I take but they don't replace eating health.

Inspiring Wholeness

Inspiring Wholeness


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